Start location: Gammel Rye Teltplads, Gl. Ryevej 40, 8680 Ry
End location: Silkeborg Harbour / Silkeborg Canoe Centre, Østergade 36, 8600 Silkeborg
The canoe/kayak is ready from the starting point at 9.00 am and must arrive at the final destination no later than 5.00 pm (but at 8.00 pm during our high season, 16/6-15/8). You can always change the final destination by phone until 12.00 noon on the last day of your trip.
Before the tour, there is an opportunity to spend the night at Gammel Rye Teltplads.
After the tour, you can stay overnight at Danhostel, Radisson Blu Hotel Papirfabrikken and Hotel Dania.