Luksuspakke (Kongensbro Kro) – Silkeborg til Bjerringbro

life jacket

Free life jackets


Free paddles for everyone


end point


Cancellation option

Start location: Silkeborg Harbour/Silkeborg Canoe Centre, Østergade 36, 8600 Silkeborg

End location: Bjerringbro Teltplads, Gudenåvej 5, 8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark

The canoe/kayak is ready from the starting point at 9.00 am and must arrive at the final destination no later than 16.00 pm. You can always change the final destination by phone until 12.00 noon on the last day of the trip.

Absolut luksus på 1. klasse kombineret med en 2 dages kano/kajaktur. Efter en dejlig dag på vandet, bliver I budt velkommen på Kongensbro Kro med eftermiddagskaffe og kage. Til middag serveres der en 3-retters menu med efterfølgende overnatning i dobbeltværelse. Efter morgenmadsbuffeten fortsætter I på dag 2 turen mod Bjerringbro Teltplads.

Before the tour, you can stay overnight at Danhostel, Radisson Blu Hotel Papirfabrikken and Hotel Dania.

Start location

From: 1.595,00 kr.

Silkeborg Harbour / Silkeborg Canoe Centre
Bjerringbro Campsite
38 km and 11.5 hours
2 days
1. april - 30 september

Life jackets

Life jackets are mandatory for all boaters - please select:

Vestestørrelser skal være indsendt og modtaget senest 3 dage før turens start

Departure time * 

Estimated time of departure from starting point

Optional extras

Capacity: 60 litres - Dimensions: 63x37cm - Material: Plastic

50,00 DKK pr. stk.

Volume: 36 litres - Size: 30x30x61cm. - Material: -100% Polyester

95,00 DKK pr. stk.

Volume: 6 litres - Size: 18x18x35cm. - Material: 100% Polyester

75,00 DKK pr. stk.

Waterproof, lightweight material, one size - Cannot be booked in a specific colour.

20,00 DKK pr. stk.

Car transport

I kan trygt overlade jeres bil til os, som vores erfarne chauffører transporterer på autotrailer frem til slutdestinationen. Se nærmere beskrivelse under FAQ.

800,00 DKK pr. stk.

ATTENTION: Det er ikke muligt at ændre slutdestination, hvis der bookes biltransport


It is Very important That you adhere to the departure time you choose for the transport of your car!


Once we have confirmed your booking, you will receive an email with information such as Important that you read carefully.


Also remember Click on the links in the email, where the specific procedure for moving your car will be listed.

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