Start location: Silkeborg Harbour/Silkeborg Canoe Centre, Østergade 36, 8600 Silkeborg
End location: Bjerringbro Teltplads, Gudenåvej 5, 8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark
The canoe/kayak is ready from the starting point at 9.00 am and must arrive at the final destination no later than 16.00 pm. You can always change the final destination by phone until 12.00 noon on the last day of the trip.
A 4-person igloo tent is handed out together with the canoe/kayak. The tent is then your property and can be taken home after the trip for future use.
Vi anbefaler undervejs at overnatte på Kongensbro Teltplads (overnatningsgebyr er IKKE inkl.).
After the tour, it is possible to spend the night at Bjerringbro Teltplads.