Hourly sailing
- It is possible to book hourly sailing online via our booking system from 1 May to 30 September.
- If you want to book hourly sailing, it always starts and ends at Silkeborg Harbour.
All hourly sailing departs from Silkeborg Harbour. From here you can try out our canoes, sea kayaks, touring kayaks and motorboats.
From Silkeborg Harbour, you can experience the beautiful nature, the impressive houses and buildings, and the city life from the waterside on the Gudenåen river. If you have plenty of time and have set aside the whole day, you can reach Avnsø/"Brillerne", Paradisøerne, Slåensø or Himmelbjerget.
You can take breaks at many places along the Gudenåen and Silkeborg Lakes, where you can have lunch at e.g. Ålekroen, Traktørstedet Ludvigslyst or Skyttehusets Café, or go for a walk in the fantastic surroundings before sailing back to Silkeborg Harbour again.
How far can we go in the time we have available?
Start and finish at Silkeborg Harbour | Round trip without breaks |
Avnsø/"The Glasses" | 1.5 hours |
The Little Fishes Campsite | 2 hours |
Lake Slåensø | 3 hours |
Ålekroen / Traktørstedet Ludvigslyst | 4 hours |
Mount Himmelberg | 5-6 hours |