Rules on Gudenåen
General information about sailing for the entire Gudenåen
- Information about sailing rules can be found on the Gudenå municipalities' website
- It is allowed to be 3 people in one canoe - or 2 people and 2 children of max. 35kg per child.
- Never stand up in the canoe.
- Always wear a life jacket.
- Always keep right for oncoming traffic.
- Keep a good distance from the regular boats travelling between Ry and Silkeborg.
- Keep your distance from fishing gear.
- Beware of the lakes in bad weather - wait or sail close to the shore on the lee side of the lake.
- Fires may be lit at authorised campfire sites, rest areas and overnight stops.
- When mooring canoes in the Ry/Silkeborg area, you must be aware of the mooring places of the scheduled boats.
- Give others the same experiences and joys that you have had. Remove all traces of yourself! It's always a good idea to bring transparent rubbish bags for your rubbish.
- Protecting nature.
- Use common sense and follow the unwritten rules.
- There is a focus on noisy behaviour and alcohol consumption along the Gudenåen river, especially at places where breaks and/or overnight stays can be taken, as unnecessary noise is not accepted. If noise problems occur, the canoe/kayak will be confiscated and the rental period will end immediately, without refund! Respect the guidelines on site!
- Tying the canoe together is not allowed.
- Fishing and hunting are not permitted without special authorisation from those entitled to fish and hunt.
- Avoid damaging banks, spawning banks and reedbeds by collision.
Special rules for sailing starting from Tørring to Klostermølle
- Sailing on the route is only permitted between 16 June and 31 December.
- Sailing is allowed between 8:00 - 18:00
- You may only sail WITH the current (with the exception of Vestbirksøerne and the stretch from Rivværket to Klostermølle). With the same exceptions, vessels may not be tied together when travelling.
- Sailing is only allowed with a valid access badge, which is in place when you book through us!
- Canoes and kayaks are only allowed on the stretch between Tørring and Klostermølle.
- Sailing with larger groups must be divided into groups of max. 5 canoes at the start of the race, sailing at a suitable distance that is maintained throughout the race on the course.
- Sailing against the current is prohibited.
- Violation of the above sailing rules is punishable by a fine.
Special rules for sailing starting from Klostermølle to Randers
- Boating on this part of the river is allowed all year round.