Motorboat up to 5 people.



  • Det er muligt at booke motorbåde online via vores bookingsystem i hele vores åbningsperiode.
  • Hvis I ønsker at leje motorbåde, er det altid med start og slut på Silkeborg Havn.

Det er muligt både at leje motorbåde på timebasis, for en hel dag eller for flere dage.

Alle priser er for leje af én motorbåd.

Prices for hourly sailing

- starting and ending at Silkeborg Harbour

Pris pr. time 350 kr. Pris pr. dag 1.500 kr.

Minimum lejeperiode er én time, herefter afregnes for hver påbegyndte 15 minutter, indtil 4 timer.

Herefter er prisen 1.500 kr.

Prices for tours starting and ending at Silkeborg Harbour

Number of days: Season:
1/4 - 30/9
1 day 1,500 kr.
2 days 3.000 kr.
3 days 4.500 kr.
4 days 6.000 kr.
5 days 7.500 kr.


It is Very important That you adhere to the departure time you choose for the transport of your car!


Once we have confirmed your booking, you will receive an email with information such as Important that you read carefully.


Also remember Click on the links in the email, where the specific procedure for moving your car will be listed.

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