Touring kayak



  • The stretch from Klostermølle to Fladbro near Randers is open for sailing all year round.
  • On the southernmost part of the Gudenåen, between Tørring and Klostermølle, it doesn't open for sailing until 16 June each year.
  • You can book on this page via our booking system up to 3 days before you want to sail.
  • Remember that you can always book tours online from Silkeborg Harbour right up until the day before you want to sail.

Det er muligt både at leje toerkajakker på timebasis, for en hel dag eller for flere dage.

Hvis I ønsker at leje toerkajakker på timebasis, er det altid med start og slut på Silkeborg Havn.

Alle priser er for leje af én toerkajak.

Prices for hourly sailing

- starting and ending at Silkeborg Harbour

Pris pr. time 200 kr. Pris pr. dag 600 kr.

Minimum lejeperiode er én time, herefter afregnes for hver påbegyndte 15 minutter, indtil 3 timer.

Herefter er prisen 600 kr.

Prices for tours starting and ending at Silkeborg Harbour

Number of days: Season:
1/4 - 30/9
1 day 600 kr.
2 days 850 kr.
3 days 1,150 kr.
4 days 1,450 kr.
5 days 1,600 kr.

Prices for tours starting on the northern part of Gudenåen

- starting from: Klostermølle, Gammel Rye, Emborg Bro, Holmens Camping, Ry, Ludvigslyst, Skyttehusets Camping, De Små Fisk, Indelukket, Silkeborg Harbour, Silkeborg Langsø, Silkeborg Sø Camping, Sminge, Svostrup Kro, Søhøjlandets Camping, Kongensbro, Ans, Tangeværket / Energimuseet, Bjerringbro, Bamsebo Camping, Ulstrup / Dannebrogpladsen and Langå

Number of days: Season:
1/4 - 30/9
1 day 750 kr.
2 days 1.050 kr.
3 days 1,350 kr.
4 days 1,650 kr.
5 days 1,750 kr.

Priser for ture med start på den sydlige del af Gudenåen

- starting from: Tørring, Åle, Åstedbro, Gudenå Camping, Vestbirk and Voervadsbro

Number of days: Season:
16/6 - 30/9
1 day 800 kr.
2 days 1.250 kr.
3 days 1,550 kr.
4 days 1,700 kr.
5 days 1,850 kr.


It is Very important That you adhere to the departure time you choose for the transport of your car!


Once we have confirmed your booking, you will receive an email with information such as Important that you read carefully.


Also remember Click on the links in the email, where the specific procedure for moving your car will be listed.

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